Daily Iowan: Leadership needed to put state interests over cronies

Daily Iowan: Leadership needed to put state interests over cronies

“We need a vision for the state,” said Narcisse, 51. “We need, I believe, leadership that will put the interest of the state above cronies.”

A personal friendship with his opponents — five-term Republican Gov. Terry Branstad and Democratic Sen. Jack Hatch — should not stand in the way of improving the state’s population base and education system, he said.

For his second attempt at the gubernatorial seat, Narcisse said recent political turmoil that has sent some campaigns reeling improve his chances.

“Eric Cantor losing proved that every …

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Des Moines Register: Non-patronage approach to appointments

Des Moines Register: Non-patronage approach to appointments

As governor, he has said he would work to reduce education bureaucracy and redirect existing funds to college aid, classroom instruction and early childhood education. Regarding the economy, he proposed levying income taxes on only the first 40 hours that an individual works each week and offering rebates on state income taxes that taxpayers can direct to charities or invest in Iowa-based companies.

He also called for reorganizing state government to be more efficient, with less “bureaucratic excess, waste and duplication,” livestreaming all state board and …

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Narcisse Qualifies for November Governor’s Race in Iowa

Narcisse Qualifies for November Governor’s Race in Iowa

As an independent, if the candidate wins only 2% of ballots cast, this election will launch the state-wide Iowa Party

For Immediate Release
Contact: 515-770-1218 or email Info at NarcisseForGovernor dot com

Des Moines, Iowa | July 29, 2014 – Jonathan R. Narcisse was certified by the secretary of state’s office this morning for the November 4th General Election Gubernatorial contest as the Iowa Party candidate.

Narcisse ran for governor as an independent in 2010. Against an incumbent Culver and returing Branstad, and spending less than $50,000 …

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Simon Conway: Opportunity to create a new unique party in Iowa

Simon Conway: Opportunity to create a new unique party in Iowa

Jonathan Narcisse was the first guest on Simon Conway’s WHO AM radio show in Des Moines, where he first publicly announced his candidacy as an independent under the Iowa Party banner, for Governor of Iowa.

Full interview here (begins at 12:30 mark):

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Narcisse Takes Questions from Iowa State University Young Democrats

Narcisse Rebuffs Misrepresentations on Minimum Wage @ the Daily Iowan

Narcisse Campaign Update Feb 9-16

Narcisse Campaign Update Feb 9-16

Pictured: Jonathan Narcisse at the Grundy County Democratic Party’s Soup Supper/Auction Fundraiser at the Reinbeck Memorial Building in Reinbeck on Sunday, Feb. 9th.

Narcisse stated at the event that this race is about more than defeating Gov. Branstad. “It is a fight for the soul of the Democratic Party.”

One-time gubernatorial candidate Bob Krause spoke at the fundraiser and explained his dominance of primary candidate Jack Hatch in media polling despite only spending $1,500 versus Hatch’s $200,000. Video of Krause’s comments are online at www.NarcisseForGovernor.com.

In addition to the …

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Week Two of the Primary Campaign

Week Two of the Primary Campaign

It is amazing how much we learn from experience. We had a really good plan to blitz western Iowa. And it was a good plan. Experience, however, helps us to recognize opportunity and take advantage of the moment.

Yesterday at our first stop a truck driver recognized me so we taped a brief interview with him. It was very encouraging and got us off to a good start.
Next we went to Webster City where the reporter ended our extensive interview with taking us to a near …

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Sioux City Resident Shares Crime Rate Concerns with Narcisse

Education & Budget Top Concerns for Trucker Dan